I Love Rescue Animals
Role: Designer, Front-End Developer, Illustrator
Website: Not Live
I Love Rescue Animals was a pet welfare and rescue organization founded by my partner and I. I created all our branding materials and our website so it was easy to make sure that everything was designed to match our brand. Many of the things I designed outside of the website had the same color scheme and typography. T-shirts, stickers, business cards, the mascot, and even a large banner all had similar designs. This business was my pet project for a long time and we put a lot of work into it.
This particular website design needed to take into account blog posts, ad space, a rotating carrousel of our on-going projects, and any events we were hosting or taking part in. Making sure all of it was organized with the knowledge that user experience was important regardless of how long the homepage got. The navigation and all of the fun illustrations had alternate looks when the cursor hovered over them.